Toyota Kata
in the Classroom

learn scientific thinking in under 2hrs!

Stand Alone Workshops

Using A Scientific Approach
With Growth Mindsets


What is Toyota Kata About?

Toyota Kata is about using scientific thinking methods to get to your ultimate going in small, achievable steps (scientists call them experiments!) after each test it’s time to review, then figure out the next steps, but the key is that you should do it quickly and in a structured manner.

Publication of Mike Rother's book “Toyota Kata” in 2009 was the beginning of a different way of thinking about and deploying Lean. Today many organizations have made the practice of the Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata a part of daily work. This helps organisations develop the capability of their people while simultaneously achieving challenging goals.

  • How do we keep the improvement going?
  • How do we align our organization so that daily improvements move us toward strategic goals?
  • How can we work to develop solutions scientifically, instead of trying to implement preconceived solutions?

Changing Habits

When you want to change something, it can be a little tricky, you keep slipping into old habits. Solving problems can also be tricky especially if your habit is to jump right into doing the fix of the big problem and assuming it’ll work 1st time. Maintaining the habit of continuous improvement, learning as you go, they can be really tricky, especially if your big fix assumption proved to be incorrect! – guess what… that’s OK!

The Framework

Toyota Kata is made up of 2 sections, the Improvement Kata and the Coaching Kata. The Improvement Kata is designed to guide you through a scientific approach to solving problems through working together in a teat-learn-adapt loop, you may know it as PDCA!


Improvement Kata

This Improvement Kata helps you slow down and think about the next steps, suddenly we aren't asking you to climb a mountain, just take the next few steps and check if you are still on the track you thought you should be on.
Think about this as a series of experiments that you are taking to move you closer to your ultimate goal.

Coaching Kata

coaching kata
The Coaching Kata is designed to give the coach the ability to ask just the right questions at the right time in a structured conversation that is designed to be effective in guiding the conversation in a systematic way.

Taking a New Mindset

Benefits of using
The Toyota Kata Approach



Improved Teamwork

By giving people a method to follow that encourages teamwork it becomes the default way of working in your organisation

Improved Coaching Ability

Coaching is a key element in the Toyota Kata Methodology because you practice this with the routines it again becomes an accepted standard way of operating with people being more open to coaching and being coached.

Faster Improvement Cycles

Since the improvement Kata is about lots of small incremental improvements to take you towards your ultimate goal each of those small steps creates an improvement so you start seeing the benefits of improvement far quicker than you otherwise would.

Develop Scientific Thinking in your teams

Effective teams work on facts so the scientific thinking mindset developed by practising the Improvement & Coaching Kata's help teams develop better ways to innovate

Improved Resilience

In science experiments, there is no such thing as failure, only results. It is so easy for people to get despondent when the results of an improvement or change they are making don't work out. Toyota Kata gives them a framework to use to understand that this result is only a stepping stone in their continuous improvement loop.

Ready To Start Your Lean Journey?

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Ready To Start Your Lean Journey?

Make a booking now and find out how we can help you Make Things, Better

People Development

Unlocking Growth and
Developing Your People


Working side by side with your leadership team and the shop floor alike our focus is to help you unlock the local knowledge already at your fingertips to help you transform how you do business. We will intentionally challenge your way of working and your status who to help you push your boundaries and grow your people, positioning you for stronger, sustained growth with a new lean mindset.
Our coaching approach is aimed at teaching you to do and to think for yourselves. We look to help build your leaders lean skills and look for them to train their team to embed that training.


Understand the Direction
Understand the Gap
Understand the Challenges
Map the Steps
Communicate the Steps


Carry out the Coaching
Agree Ownership
Agree time frames
Implement Actions


Check the outcomes
Check new gaps
Assess the success
Identify the improvements


Review the changes
Implement any improvements
Document the processes

Company Workshop Options

Sponsor a Kata Session

Kata in the Classroom

  • What's Covered:
  • The Improvement Kata
  • The Coaching Kata
  • Copy of Slides & Handouts

Kata Application

1 Day
  • What's Covered:
  • The Improvement Kata
  • The Coaching Kata
  • The Kata Storyboard
  • The Kata Experiment Record
  • Obstacle Parking Lots
  • Applying Kata to a real Problem
  • Copy of Slides & Handouts

Kata & A3 Problem Solving

2 Days
  • What's Covered:
  • The Improvement Kata
  • The Coaching Kata
  • The Kata Storyboard
  • The Kata Experiment Record
  • Obstacle Parking Lots
  • Copy of Kata Slides
  • A3 Problem Solving
  • What is an A3
  • Integrating Kata & A3
  • Applying Kata to a real Problem

Kata in the Classroom for Schools

  • What's Covered:
  • The Improvement Kata
  • The Coaching Kata
  • Copy of Slides & Handouts
  • Teacher Training
  • You can sponsor a Kata in the Classroom Session for a local school for up to 100 kids to have a Kata in the Classroom Session and help them learn about Scientific Thinking.
  • Priced at 50% of a Std KiC session with Many Caps Consulting donating the remaining 50%.

Upcoming Open Events

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2023 TBA

Kata Enquiry

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Ready To Start Your Lean Journey?

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