Fire Up Your
Business With
Lean Processes

Find out how lean can unleash the potential in your organisation
by developing your people, reducing waste
and satisfying customers. 

Co-Funding Options

Financial Support
for Kiwi Businesses


Many Caps Consulting & Callaghan Innovation's

Better By Lean Program

Many Caps Consulting is one of a very limited number of approved consultancy companies within New Zealand to be able to offer the Callaghan Innovation Better by Lean Program.
The program is a workshop and coaching design that is aimed at helping New Zealand companies apply lean thinking to their organisation, helping them improve processes, workflows,  systems, supply chains and many more areas where the aim is to help eliminate waste and streamline what you do which in turn boosts your competitiveness and performance.
The program offers a co-funding arrangement where Callaghan Innovation provides up to a maximum of $20,000 on a 40/60 split with you company funding to support the use of an approved lean consultant such as ourselves.
Our mission

Find Out More

Callaghan Innovation is a government agency supporting hi-tech businesses in New Zealand with grants, knowledge support and much more!

Ready To Start Your Lean Journey?

Make a booking now and find out how we can help you Make Things, Better

Ready To Start Your Lean Journey?

Make a booking now and find out how we can help you Make Things, Better

Getting Started

How Your Business
Can benefit From Lean


There are so many benefits of lean it's hard to list them all but here are a few key ones.

Supercharge You Culture

Supercharge You Culture

Build a culture of continuous improvement by engaging your staff & developing their skills.
Identify Customer Value

Identify Customer Value

knowing what is valuable to your customers and delivering on that is a key element of lean
Increase Productivity

Increase Productivity

Improve productivity in every area of your organisation, lean is more than a manufacturing tool.
Simplify Planning

Simplify Planning

Simplify planning and only produce what need and when you need it using Kanban.
Increase Throughput

Increase Throughput

Increase throughput by eliminating waste in your business processes and systems.
Reduce Inventories

Reduce Inventories

Reduce inventory to free up capital and space in your organisation allowing it to be better used
Improved Communication

Improved Communication

Visual Management Tools bring clarity to your organisation so everyone knows the score.
Eliminate Waste

Eliminate Waste

Identifying and eliminating waste in your organisation means more cash to your bottom line

Getting Started

Simple Steps to Start
Your Lean Journey

3 Steps

Step 1

Make the Business Decision on Lean

Lean is lead from the top, as a Senior Leadership Team, you need to decide that lean is going to be your strategy for improving your organisation.

Step 1

Step 2

Sign up to a Better By Lean Workshop

Sign up 3 of your Senior Leadership Team to a 1 day Better By Lean workshop in your area.
Find dates here

Step 3

Call Many Caps Consulting

Get in touch with Many Caps Consulting and talk to us about how we can help you design your custom lean program that will help develop your people in to lean thinkers and change the way you work, forever.

Step 3

Let's deliver the right lean solution for your business.

No two people are the same, neither are Businesses, so why would you accept an off the shelf lean program?
We work with you and your team to understand your real challenges and help to design a lean program that is specifically for your business, for what you need now and in the future.

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