Easily manage your
entire ISO27001 Information Security Management system
in one integrated system.
Making it quicker and easier to manage and engage your team in your ISO27001 Information Security Management System is simple using Mango's QHSE Compliance software on Web or Mobile App.
Reclaim your precious time

Automatic Esculations
Mango esculates issues when actions aren't taken within your timeframes.

Easily Search Records
Easily search the system to find trends or specific records you want.

Reporting & Charting
The simple report and chart builders allow you to create all your reports

Automated Workflows
Mango's customisable workflow lets you control your process your way.

Automatic Notifications
Mango immediately notifies those who need to know what's happened.

Revision Control
Mango automatically manages all your documentation revision control
Simplify the process
Your entire ISO 9001 Management System
Here are just a few examples of how Mango makes your ISO 27001 Information Security Management System more engaging for your team, easier to use, saving you time and frustration.

Manuals, Policies, Procedures & Forms
With Mango you have one single source of truth to work from with a set of viewable, access restricted, revision-controlled documents and files. Add your current policies and procedures to Mango's online viewer, upload existing forms or templates to our files manager and forget about uncontrolled copies and hard copy sign off. Cross link your documents to events, personnel, suppliers and risks. No more paper, no more double ups.

Security Incident Reporting & Register
Log all of your security incident data including photos, reports, records and forms directly into the live system and create your Register on the fly. Automatically notify the Information Security Officer about the event immediately to let them take the required actions

Unlimited Risk Registers
With Mango's dedicated Risk Management module you can log all managed risks, set up as many Managed Risk Registers as you need and automate the alerts to have these registers reviewed on a regular basis, capturing the required evidence that it's been done.

Audits and Assessments
Carry out all of your internal and security auditing requirements with the Audit Module, for those you can't visit send as assessment from the Assessment Module and upload the data directly to your system.

Training Records and e-learning
Let Mango Automate your training and monitoring notifications to reduce time in administration.
Make use of the e-Learning or Assessments Modules to build in house training systems that are fully integrated into your QMS.
Save Time
Achieve better ISO27001 results with Mango
in less time & frustration.
Say good bye to all the spreadhseets and separate systems. With Mango you can manage your entire ISO27001 Management System in one easy to use, fully integrated system

Have your entire quality manual in one fully integrated, revision controlled online document system.

Manage all your reviews and meetings in one place with a complete history of every session.

Report, investigate and complete security incident investigations in real time.

Create linked items such as Environmental Incidents, Risks, other Improvements, Non-Conformances or Maintenance Requests as part of any investigation.

Create the reports you need with the inbuilt extensive report writer or chart creator to let you report on anything in the system.

Integrate your internal and external audting program using the audits and assessment modules.

Attach photos to the Improvement, non-conformance or Security Incidents to add more context to the investigation.

Track who has what equipment using the plant & equipment module.

Automatically link Improvements or non-conformances to audits carried out within Mango to manage the audit findings and ensure close out.

Keep track of the status of all actions in your quality management system to ensure things don't get held up or forgotten with automatic emails, alerts and esculations.

Have all your Policies, procedures, forms and other documents in the cloud and available where ever you need it.

Have multiple risk or hazard registers specific to vehicles, work areas, plant & equipment, systems and IT equipment and more as required.

By keeping all of your standard operating procedures in Mango's Document Module you ensure that all local and international branches are working from one set documents.

Mango's access individually tailored control options mean you can control every person's access to your system on an individual or job role basis.

Manage your entire Plant & Equipment maintenance, security checks and calibration requirements in one place. Link to inspections, documentaion, H&S risks building a complete history of each item.

Assign multiple investigators to any Non-conformance or customer complaint and Mango will notify them automatically.

With the user-configurable workflow system you can report, record and investigate everything in a way that works for you

Identify trends for equipment with high instances of non-conformances by automatically linking to equipment profiles.

Automatically alert key personnel when specific types of Security Incident events occur such as Senior Managers or Directors.
Simiply your ISO27001 Systems
Take it with you
Managing ISO 27001
on the Mobile App
Every one of your employees gets full access to our free fully integrated mobile app meaning you can complete audits, sign off events, capture and action your Improvements and Non-Conformances where ever they happen, even when you don't have a signal.

Recording Improvements & Non-Conformances
Report and manage improvements, non-conformances for security issues on the go. No more filling in paper forms to take back to the desk, do it live on the app.

Complete Audits & Inspections live
Carry out any type of audit or inspection live with the mobile app. Use it to audit security processes, suppliers, employee training competence, carry out maintnenace inspections and much more.

Add Images
Capturing images directly from the App or from your phone gallery to add more details to your report.
Works on Android & IOS

Add Comments
Easily add comments to investigations via the app to provide more details or clarifications as part of the investigations.

ISO 9001
Quality Management Systems

ISO 14001
Environmental Management

ISO 45001
Occupational Health & Safety

ISO 22000
Food Safety & HACCP

ISO 27001
Information Security

ISO 31001
Risk Management

AS 9100
Aerospace Quality Management

ISO 14064
Greenhouse Gases

ISO 13485
Medical Devices

ISO 45003
Psychological Health & Safety

ISO 50001
Energy Management

ISM Code
International Safety Management
Simplify your compliance
Easily Integrate
all your ISO Standards requirements
Use the Mango to help you meet the requirements of any ISO Management System in one place.
No more need to juggle spreadsheets or multiple independent systems.
Integrate your ISO Systems
Check our references
What do people say
about Mango ?
Don't just take our word about how great Mango is, here is the feedback from some of our users.
If you want to check out more independent feedback on how great Mango is head to Capterra.com to hear what others think.
Alternatively check out a range of case studies here direct from the end users.
Work Smarter, Involve Everyone
Book your Mango Demo
see Mango in action
With Mango there is no more chasing people to get things done, because you get everyone engaged in your systems.
Make a booking now to see how simple it is to integrate your systems, reduce paperwork, save time and be compliant.