Clause 4.2 – Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties - is an important one and sets up your system information going forward. The details of your interested parties can drive everything from improvement to guiding management of change. While Clause 4.1 Understanding the organisation and its context is technically first, 4.2 g...
ISO 45001:2018 Clause 4.4 is an interesting one, it's classed as a 'general clause' as it's pretty all encompassing, it says The organisation shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an OH&S management system, including the processes needed and their interactions, in accordance with the requirements of this document IS...
Climate change is a hot topic everywhere these days and ISO is no exception.Its Climate Action Amendment has been added as a requirement in all management standards, regarding both risk assessment and stakeholder needs. This means it affects 9001, 14001, 45001, 27001, 22000 and 50001.Or in plain English, the standards for Quality, Environmental, He...
Food fraud has been around a long time and is generally considered as "intentionally causing a mismatch between product claims and product characteristics" (everyone has their own definition!). For FSSC certification, Clause 2.5.4 calls for a Food Fraud Mitigation assessment and plan on how to minimize the risks, for very valid reasons. Sellers try...
We've posted previously about the frustration of badly managed change in a business, but what makes a truly useful change management system? Small teams can manage change reasonably simply, but once you start growing into multiple departments with multiple staff, it can be very hard to always get those needed in a room together to hash out every ch...
We've all been told that checklists are the answer!... tick this and your quality will be great, but have you checked in with your team? Are they sick of ticking boxes? Are you really sure your quality checks achieve what you need them to? Maybe it's time to reinvent your quality control system and fix up your check process to make it mor...
There are many myths in the world, ranging from Bigfoot to bumblebee's defying the laws of physics (they don't) and of course the Loch Ness Monster (who is just shy and wants to be left alone). It seems that myths are still very real in the world of work as well. Work-life balance is impossible, remote working is inefficient, workplace conflict can...
Ever wondered how you as food manufacturers or food retailers can ensure that every product you produce or sell is not only tasty, but also safe to eat? One of the key areas is supplier management. Let's have a nosy into what goes on to guarantee food safety for the consumer. 1. Choose Your Suppliers Wisely: It all starts with selecting suppliers y...
If you have read our blog for a while you will know that we hold the annual employee review with great distain, for many reasons it's in effective and does neither side of the equation any real benefit. When it comes time to sit down with the boss to do an employee review session what invariably happens is that, as an employee, you quickly dig out ...
Clause 4.1 of the ISO45001:2018 standard, Understanding the organisation and its context, can cause some trepidation, confusion, hand wringing and general bewilderment for people, I know when I first read it I thought WHAT THE!? but then I read it again (and again) and did some research and thought, actually I see what they are doing here, that's p...
Ask 10 experts about how to give feedback and you will get 10 different answers, simply because everyone is different. Giving feedback always seems to be a very tricky thing to get right. How often you do it, how you do it, where you do it and who you give the feedback to are all parts of the puzzle. Then factor in yourself, are you a conflict avoi...
Organisations struggle a bit in understanding what the context of the organisation is and why it matters. Think about it like this, how can you build a system to manage your organisational health and safety systems if you don't understand what the various pieces of the puzzle are? The aim of the context of the organisation which is clause 4 within ...
It seems every time you go the library, the bookshop or browse your favourite audiobook store there is another book in leadership (plus of course an untold number of blogs!). Each of these books and blogs promise a whole new spin on what you need to do to be a good or a great leader. Which approach should you take, which new theory or guru is the r...
The other week I was trying to arrange a catch up with our local Institute of Directors branch to talk about opportunities to do presentations at their meetings about ISO management systems and the benefit of ISO systems within organisations. With the aim of helping directors understand their part of the ISO environment. The response wasn't what I ...
February 2024 saw the release of the first amendment for ISO9001:2015 for Quality Management Systems. ISO releases amendments to standards when they want to add things to the standard that have already been agreed on, but they don't want to completely review the entire standard. It's called the Climate Change Actions Amendment. What's been am...
When we talk with clients about achieving ISO14001 for Environmental Management Systems (EMS) the thing that seems to concern them most is getting to grips with two crucial elements: Aspects and Impacts. What are they, how do they interact with each other, and what are you supposed to do with that information. The good news is that these things are...
I overheard a conversation the other week at a between a couple of people who talking about lean. Naturally, my ears pricked up and I just hard to eavesdrop a little bit. They were making a list of their 'lean projects' they had completed already, which was quite a list. They were then going to set their sights on their next 'lean project' and how ...
When we first started helping organisations implement ISO45001:2018 for Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems we quickly realised that organisations were struggling to understand exactly what this standard was about. They were all focused on the day-to-day health & safety processes, accident/incident reporting, risk or in some cas...
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